Thank you. Happy Holidays from Trash & Stash Junk Removal!
Published: December, 2022/ Archive Home
Thank you and happy holidays. Sincerely... Thanks!

I don’t do corporate holiday cards, so don’t take it personally that you didn’t get one from me.
The reason I don’t send out generic cards is because it feels like it minimizes how truly grateful I am. The gratitude I feel can’t be summed up with a glittery card and a canned holiday tiding.
More to the point, a card sent out of obligation rather than sentiment creates clutter. And clutter is the enemy I’ve vowed to fight.
So with that and from my heart… Thank you. Happy holidays. Happy new year!
I’ve tried to be transparent and vulnerable throughout my “entrepreneurial journey.” If you’re curious, be sure to check out my year end wrap up report. It includes a bit of introspection and goals for 2023.
– Cam

$25 Off Junk Removal
This season of stuff, give yourself the “Gift of Gone.” Relieve stress. Make room for guests and all the new stuff you’ll be bringing home.

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Trash and Stash has grown into an awkward teenager. Check out our year end wrap- up. A look back before we go forward.
Year End Wrap Up »