Trash and Stash is Fort Mill's Favorite Junk Removal Service
Hear what hundreds of our customers had to say about working with us.
We’re lucky. We have amazing customers who have been kind about sharing their experiences with us. Our marketing plan is simple. Take exceptional care of each & every customer. Every time.With this simple approach we live off of referrals, repeat opportunities & relationships.
More than reviews. Good. Bad.. or otherwise. We want to hear from you. Please contact us directly with feedback, questions or concerns. We’ll respond to all contacts within a week (but usually within 24 hrs). Contact us here.
Have specific feedback? Feel free to complete our customer service survey. here.
What people in your Neighborhood are saying about us?
NextDoor is organized by local communities. See what your neighbors are saying about Trash & Stash here. And if we’ve worked with you, we’d love for you to give us a ♥!
... More On Google Reviews
Our business is built on reviews… specifically Google. As we grow and our territory stretches, we’ve added new local territories. If we’ve done work for you and you’re a “review type of person” we’d love for you to leave a review in the territory that’s closest to you. Thanks!
Fort Mill
Leave a review on our Fort Mill Google Business profile!
Leave a review on our Charlotte Google Business profile!
Tega Cay/ Lake Wylie
Leave a review on our Tega Cay/ Lake Wylie Google Business profile!

Give & Save
Get 10%* Off junk removal & moving help when you donate $25 or more to the Isabella Santos Foundation. Help increase the survival rate for kids with rare pediatric cancers.
*Up to $100 discounted from Junk Removal & Moving Help total.