How Much Does Junk Removal Cost?
Junk removal costs are based on volume and measured in truck space. It’s loosely an item count. Our pricing model divides our trailer into 1/4 truck increments and generally starts at $184. To help estimate junk removal costs we came up with this load size calculator. Here’s how to use it.
- Enter your item count into the calculator.
- Complete the request form.
- We’ll contact you with a free & no- obligation junk removal cost estimate.
Junk Removal Load Size Calculator
Junk removal costs: What you need to know.
Are you still wondering, “how much does junk removal cost?” We’ve got you. Junk removal costs vary based on location, quantity/ volume, labor and the items to be removed. Larger projects like cleanouts, could range from $200- $800.

Factors influencing costs include the size and weight of the items, distance to disposal facilities, manpower and costs to dispose of difficult- to- dispose of items. The calculator here is a great place to start.
Now take the next step.
Complete the request form and schedule your free, in- person estimate. We’ll provide a quote in- person and before starting any work.

More on junk removal pricing...

Junk removal prices are based on volume and measured in truck space. We have a few different truck and trailer setups. Different jobs require different tools and jobs are priced accordingly.
When asking, “how much does junk removal service cost?” consider these variables.
1. Space- The most obvious is physical space. We are routing jobs based on usable space. When we arrive at a job and depending on what we’re hauling, we will tightly pack and sometimes breakdown items to maximize all available space. We do not dump or offload after every job. We try to consolidate as many dump or donation runs as we can.
2. Weight- Dump fees are based on weight. The pricing structure accounts for regular weight proportional to the truck space. Every once in a while, an extremely heavy load could become a pricing factor.
3. Time- The pricing structure also accounts for time on the job. The bigger the job, the more time it takes. It is important to remember that there are 2 sides of the job. The pickup that takes place in sight of the customer and the travel and drop off that happens once we leave the job site. In most cases, we do not charge an hourly rate for junk removal. Time is accounted for within the pricing model.
4. Labor- We typically run 2- person crews. This labor is built into the standardized price. Similar to time, if jobs require extra sets of hands, labor will be billed accordingly. We run a timer on jobs so when labor is charged, you’ll only pay for the actual time worked above the minimums.
5. Items- We can take most household items. There are some items however, that carry additional costs. This is because the dump charges extra for these. Most of the time we see this with TVs and paint.
6. Equipment- Different jobs require different tools. Though our standardized pricing model is consistent, the rates vary depending on the equipment used. If specialized equipment is used, there may be line item pricing to account for it.
7. Donation, Resale, Etc.- Our goal is to keep items out of the landfill, put them in the hands of people who can use them and hopefully raise money for good causes. There is a cost to handling “junk” in an environmentally responsible way.
In Real life…
For us, 1/4 truck is about the space of a washer and dryer. A full truck is a filled up van (think of a gray Amazon truck fully loaded floor to ceiling, front to back). Pricing is prorated for 1/4 truck increments.
a.) We can fit less in our truck when items remain intact. This means more road time (more payroll, more fuel and less work potential).
b.) We have to move and store items. This means we need warehouse space and additional, non- revenue labor. The more we put our hands on something, the more it costs.

c.) There’s no guarantee the donation center will accept the donated items. What they choose to accept has to do with condition, available floor space and labor.
For these reasons, we do not discount and give donation credits. Any items destined for resale or donation are priced like regular “junk” removal.